Aquatarium Project
UX students at the College of St. Lawrence had an overall UX improvement of Brockville's Aquatarium as a second-semester project. Sheeza and I are in charge of improving the connectivity and visibility of the Frontenac post-office and the AR sand table located within it, and above all, we focused on the fact that the aquaterium and each element should have connected with one story.
Role : UX researcher & UX designer
Team : Group project / Hailey, Sheeza
Timeline : 12 Weeks
In Brockville, Ontario, Canada, there is a non-profit interactive science and education museum called the Aquatarium. The facility focuses on the ecology and history of the Saint Lawrence River's Thousand Islands. Additionally, they offer kid-friendly attractions and activities. We were concentrating on the Frontenac Post Office/AR sand table of the Aquaterium. Our focus was on making that area easier to use, presenting the findings of our research, and making suggestions for making the space stand out to increase people's engagement. In order to acquire a solid understanding of the project, its objectives, and, most importantly, the people who will be using the location, we concentrated on various research components during the study. We used a variety of research methods and conduct analysis to provide the client with a list of requirements and suggestions.
Problem statement
The problem with the space of the Frontenac Post office and the AR sand table of the Aquatarium is a big problem that the two factors are not related at all. It is difficult for users to see the appearance of Post office and know that AR Sand table exists inside it, and it is difficult to understand the symbolism of Post office. The AR sand table itself does not have an Instruction or Signage itself, making it difficult for users to obtain even a little information about it.
Project scope
We focused on the Frontenac Post Office/AR Sand table in Aquaterium. We aimed to present research results that made the area easier to use, to make space-enhancing proposals to increase people's participation, and to gain a clear understanding of projects, goals, and most importantly those who will use the place, we aim to observe users through various research methods and share requirements and suggestions to customers through competitive analysis.
Business goal :
The client's goal is to attract more customers by making the user more understanding of the space and promoting the AR Sand table more effectively.
User goal :
The user's goal is to have a better understanding of the space and better understanding of the location and usage of the AR Sand table and to have a pleasant experience using the Aquaticum as a whole.
Process :
The UX design project visited the Aquaterium in person, investigated the actual space, established a visitor observation research plan, and then implemented actual observations. In addition, observation findings analysis, requirements list, and recommendation were proposed along with competitor scans, which were shared and published by Aquatarium officials.
Competitive Scan :
We conducted a thorough analysis of four competitors to gain insights into the overall space in which they operate. Specifically, we focused on the placement of the AR Table and how users are engaging with the space and the product. Through this analysis, we were able to gain valuable insights into the user experience, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies to better meet the needs of our target audience.
Competitor 1 :
Ready Set FUN, USA Imagination Sandbox at Ready Set Fun is an absolute gem for families with young children. This play area is a unique and engaging space that encourages children to explore their creativity and imagination in a safe and stimulating environment. The play area is a big and engaging space that encourages children to explore their creativity and imagination in a safe and stimulating environment. The entire space is brightly lit, clean, and well-maintained, with plenty of seating areas for parents and caregivers to watch their children. There are signages in the room that provide instructions on how to use the sandbox and the tools provided. The signages also provide information about the types of treasures that can be found in the sandbox and the history behind them. The height of the table may be too tall for some children, making it difficult for them to fully engage with the play experience. Some of the smaller pieces of sand may get in the eyes of children while they are splashing the sand. The website includes several pictures and videos that showcase the AR technology and the interactive features of the sand table.
Competitor 2 : Ansan Byeolmang Fishing Village Culture Center in KoreaThis space is an exhibition hall that depicts what the area used to look like as a fishing village, and the walls of the exhibition hall are decorated with blue colours to give a consistent and unified feeling. Because the exhibition and experience spaces are separated, it is best to concentrate on the experience. The movement path for the user is well-guided, and the space for the user is also well-explained. Above all, exhibitions and experiences are connected with one theme. The wall of the place where the device is placed is decorated as if it were in the sea, and the AR sand table usage and story are attached to the wall so that users can get information. But The instructions are in a high position, making them difficult for children to read, and require a friendly and noticeable design with icons and letters. It was designed to be low in anticipation of children's height, but it is still high for more younger children and too low for adults, making it difficult to guide children and induce experiences. Children can experience the experience of catching fish from AR sand table after watching an exhibition on how fishermen catch fish with a net from the opposite side.
Competitor 3 : Wonderworks at Orlando
Wonderworks is a huge amusement park that provides various experience devices for children and teenagers, and the concept itself is clear, stimulates children's five senses, and provides exciting experiences, but it does not provide accurate usage or related stories for each device. However, most experience devices have an easy approach. It is most accurate to see the Wonderworks space itself as a space where various devices for experience are gathered. The directions and maps are provided accurately, but they do not provide instructions on how to use these machines. However, not all devices are very new, and most of them are not difficult to use. They called it an animated sandbox. The experience itself does have various contents but the AR sand table's interaction is limited. In particular, in the case of a space where various experience devices are concentrated, explanations and interaction methods for each individual device should be provided. Although there is not enough information, Wonderwork communicates smoothly with the audience through social network services. If people want to know what kind of experience devices Wonderworks has, what events there are, and how to use them, they can access Wonderworks' social network service and get a lot of information.
Competitor 4: Children’s Museum of New Hampshire
The AR Sand Table at the Children's Museum of New Hampshire is a unique and exciting attraction. The sand table uses augmented reality technology to bring the play experience to life, allowing children to explore and create in a fun and interactive way. The sand table is located in a dedicated play area, which is clearly marked and easy to find. There are informative signs throughout the play area that explained how to use the table and its features, making it easy for children and parents to understand the concept of augmented reality technology. The sand table functions well and is always stocked with clean, high-quality sand. There are also shovels, buckets, and molds available for children to use, enhancing their sand play experience. While it is suitable for most children, some parents have commented that it is a little too high for their toddlers to comfortably reach. The website is easy to navigate, and users can quickly find the information they need about the museum's exhibits and events. The website has high-quality images of the museum's exhibits, including the sand table, which provides users with a clear idea of what they can expect when they visit the museum. The museum's social media channels are prominently featured on the website, which allows users to connect with the museum and stay up-to-date with its latest offerings.
Observational Research :
We divided the observations into qualitative and quantitative questions. We took notes of how customers behaved while using the product and recorded their observations with caution. We developed a research guide that explains how to find answers to questions based on user questions. Through this, we were able to systematically code and organize data to find topics and patterns. It was determined that using this research method would allow participants and phenomena to be observed in the most natural environment.
Data Collection Observation data is a valuable research method that can provide information beyond numbers and statistics. For our observational study, the quantitative and qualitative data collected user behavior patterns using the most standardized method for collecting observational data: checklist and recording paper, and observation guide that lists the interactions, processes, or behavior patterns to observe and provides space for recording open narrative data.
Observational research data sheet
1. Although a story of devices and spaces is required, most exhibition halls with AR and tables do not have stories or themes that connect as one.
2. Some exhibition halls or places with AR sand tables did not guide the exact usage, and Korea's Byeolmang Fishing Village provides usage and stories, but it was not effective because it was too high for children to read and refer to. We could not only provide usage, but we also need to provide it with easy language in the appropriate location, considering the target user.
3. The AR sand table should be adjustable in height considering the children who are the primary users. Alternatively, they should provide assistive devices for short children.
4. The Children's Museum of New Hampshire also offers shovels, buckets, and frames for children to use, which can enhance the sand play experience along with the contents of the AR sand table itself.
5. Most children at AR Sand table often play with sand and let it spill or splash on the floor, so parents had to pay attention frequently.
6. Website - The Ready Set FUN website includes photos and videos showing interactive features of AR technology and sand tables, so you can get information on experience devices. In the case of Byeolmang exhibition halls in Korea and Ansan, 360 VR is provided through the website, showing exhibition halls with sand tables, and providing information on exhibition spaces.
7. Most exhibition halls aimed to inform and promote events or experience devices to users through social network services (SNS), and active interactive communication with users was not achieved.
1. Providing a strong story or theme: In the case of the space where Korea's AR sand table is displayed, a theme of a fishing village has a story, so it naturally leads to an experience. As such, Brockville also has a large theme called an aquarium, and it would be good to provide an AR sand table with a story in connection with the story of the Post office.
2. Signage, instruction - Interaction with AR sand tables is simple, such as digging, lifting, and stacking using the basic characteristics of sand, so users can adapt quickly. Nevertheless, basic guidance on how to interact with the content of AR sand tables with these simple actions is needed. Target users of AR and tables are primarily children. To make it easier for children to see and learn, we suggest attaching guides in easy language or icons that children can understand on the corners of AR and tables.
3. Decorating the space and walls of the place that provides AR sand table as if they were related to the sea, and adding waves and sound related to the sea.
4. Provides ample seating space for guardians to watch the children so that more children, the main target of the experience, can enjoy it. (Referring to the case of the Ready Set FUN)
5. The height of all AR sand tables scanned by competitors was not appropriate for young users. The height of the table must be adjustable, or an auxiliary device is required.
6. Accessibility - Floor guides for disabled people in wheelchairs and considering when there are many people are needed.
7. AR sand table interactions are limited and uniform. It will be a much richer experience if the experience of scanning a picture sketched by children and adding the picture as content on the sand through a projector is combined.
8. We propose to place a soft rubber guard around the edge of the AR sand table. This can keep children away from sharp corners and prevent sand from splashing everywhere during sand play.
9. There could be more detailed information about the recommended age range for the sand table, as well as any height or weight restrictions that may apply.
10. Additionally, the website could provide more interactive elements, such as virtual tours of the museum or interactive activities related to the exhibits.
Aquatarium at Broclville - Final presentation
We made a final presentation about our project with the client at Aquatarium Brockville. While most UX projects are digital-centric, the Aquatarium project was an interesting experience in finding user's unmet needs and designing physical spaces based on research.

