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Airport Dining App

Role: UX Researcher, UX Designer, UI designer (Working Remote with 6 UX designers)

Duration:  2 months

Project Background and Problem

​공항은 지난 수년간 변화를 거듭해왔다. 전 세계가 더욱 글로벌해지고 국가간 경계가 모호해짐에 따라 공항은 더 많은 승객들을 수용해야만 했고, 단순히 비행기를 타고 내리게 하는 장소에서 더 많은 사람들이 비행기를 타고 내리기 전에 즐길 수 있는 것들에 대해 고민해왔다. 더 높은 퀄리티의 브랜드를 입점시키고, 더 유명한 프랜차이즈 레스토랑을 입점시키며 공항들간에도 경쟁이 치열해지고 있다. 이러한 많은 브랜드와 음식점, 공항 내 샵이 늘어남에 따라 공항은 더더욱 복잡해져서 사용자들은 스스로 시간을 효울적으로 관리해야하는 여러가지 어려움에 직면하게 되었다. 예를 들면, 게이트 근처에 내가 선호하는 음식점이 있는지, 게이트 근처에 원하는 음식점이 없다면,  원하는 레스토랑의 이용시간은 총 얼마가 될 것인지, 레스토랑의 줄은 얼마나 길 것인지, 가족 여행자의 경우, 아이들이 근처에서 놀만한 Place 가 있는지, 등등에 대해 정확한 정보에 대한 니즈가 생기게 되었다. 

Project Overview

The Airport Dining Experience project aims to design a user-centered digital solution that enhances the way travelers interact with dining options in airport terminals. Our goal is to make it easier for users to explore dining options, make reservations, place orders, and navigate through the airport’s food offerings efficiently.

Project Objectives

  • Improve the dining experience for travelers by offering personalized dining recommendations and seamless ordering options.

  • Simplify navigation within the airport to help travelers easily locate dining establishments.

  • Reduce wait times by integrating reservation and pre-ordering functionalities.

  • Enhance user satisfaction by gathering insights into travelers' preferences, needs, and frustrations.


Project Phases

This project is divided into the following key phases:

  1. Discovery & Research: Understanding the users, their pain points, and the current market solutions. (Duration: 2 weeks)

  2. Define and Ideate: Crafting user-centered design solutions based on research insights. (Duration: 2 weeks)

  3. Prototyping: Developing interactive prototypes and the design system. (Duration: 2 weeks)

  4. Testing & Delivery: Testing with users, presenting final designs and insights for future implementation. (Duration: 2 week)


Tools and Resources


Discovery & Research

이 프로젝트를 시작할 때, 우리는 단순히 우리가 공항에서 음식점을 찾을 때 겪었던 경험에 기반하여 시작하였다. 그렇기 때문에 우리는 이를 검증할 필요가 있었다. 요즘 시대에



X More than 30 unanswered job applications? Impactful but negative!

X It is recommended that the Hero image should not be dimmed as much as possible.

X  The introductory explanation is grand, but there seems to be a lack of evidence to support it in practice.


XX The membership recruitment process needs to be streamlined. The process of guiding a subscription to a 40% discount without an accurate explanation, finding the best coach for the customer, and scheduling a coaching session seems complicated (although not really complicated). The information provided by this website is scarce, and only the information provided is not reliable. It would be advisable to simplify the subscription process separately and provide the discount code through a banner for example.

2. Navigation – Main menu

X  If the page is very long, the user wants to be given the option to quickly scroll to the top of the page. In that sense, it was a good choice that provided the “Back to top” button in the mobile version of the website. The main menu at the top continues to appear when scrolling down to make it easier for users to navigate the main menu on the desktop version of the website.

X  The main menu configuration is simple, not complicated. However, it is difficult for a user to predict how the screen jumps and calls the content of the screen (internal link) rather than each sub-page when pressing the main menu. This method is not often used in the main menu, and it is used to call lists in the page if the page has a lot of content.

X  Customers do not yet have faith in Prosfata. It is important to provide information about the program, but at the same time to inform users about the company, history, location, etc. Who will pay for it in the first place? Believe in what?

X  “Contact Us” is a menu that users use to know their company's contacts, usually located in one of the main menus or the bottom menu. What appears suddenly in the middle of the screen, is different from the user's predictive model.

X. Contents readability

Overall, the font is too small, on a web page, headers usually start from 18pt and can go up to 30pt or more, while body text is typically between 12pt and 16pt. (Web Accessibility issue)



4. Layout 

Blue goes well with the job coaching website, is a professional-looking color and gives it a sense of security.

V  It has a good centralized layout. It makes good use of the margin and feels clean and open. If you make good use of the gaps (we call them white space), you can make a good impression on the user. Sometimes there are websites where the entire page is filled with text and graphics. This makes it difficult to concentrate and confuses the user with little information that they​ really need.




XX  The font style and sizes in all areas are different, and the alignment is not right.

XX  Irrelevant image placement and recurring 40% off ad sections.

X 40% discount (it gives too commercial impression because of the repetition) phrase that repeats over and over again within the page, message and button are both different in the same image. (When each button is pressed, does it move to a different page? If so, the images should be different, and the wording can be kept as different as it is now.)

5. Consistency (related to 10 Heuristics No.6)



XX  Four different Signup buttons, will each go to a different page or is it the same function button?

“ Signup Now, Start Getting Interview Calls Today”

“Now Join Prosfata”

“40% Discount Signup”

“Join Prosfata”

If all four buttons go to the same page, the text should be consistent. Functions provided in multiple places with different names cause user confusion, increasing fatigue.

X  Overall, font style and size, plus icon style and size, are inconsistent in all aspects. Consistent font and icon size make the website feel well organized and affect customers' trust in the company.


6: Aesthetic and Minimalist Design (related to 10 Heuristics No.8)

XX  The suddenly appearing green and gray colors are not in harmony with other colors.

X  The same content was duplicated by using only different colors.

XX  It seems desirable to make this content visible first when the user accesses it at the top of the screen.

XX  There is no consideration for the Bottom menu at all. (Layout, Menu)




7. Mobile version

It has the same problems as the desktop version, but Layout needs to be more organized than the desktop version.

XX  Usually, the main menu is placed on the top left, and the option menu is placed on the top right.

XX When jumping the screen through the menu, the Back to top button does not appear and the Main menu is not visible, so the user must scroll up to return to the Main menu.

X  The “Zoho Sites” below are unnecessary information.

XX  The spacing between elements, the spacing of the letter lines, and the alignment are all inconsistent.












8. Best Practices

1) : Positive content and bright Hero image.



















Through “About us” on the main menu, they provide the company's vision and mission to increase user trust and provide a well-organized layout overall.

2) : 1st place in 10 Best Career Coaching Services in America (2024)






​All of these Job coaching websites provide detailed descriptions of the program and provide information such as the company's history.

3. 3rd  place in 10 Best Career Coaching Services in America (2024)


The entire screen is filled with only one message, more impactful, and all the main menus are composed of coaching program types. This makes this site look more professional.

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